UK Property Investment

EUROPEAN PROPERTY FINDER SERVICEWe find residential property in parts of Europe. We are curently focusing on high-yielding properties in Prague, Czech Republic, with Gross Yields of 10%+ pa. We provide a capital-efficient model to quickly build a portfolioThink beyond the UKCountries to ConsiderTypical Czech PropertiesThe ConceptWorked ExamplesCome and see Prague with us tier 2 visa applications
Expatriate Property Investments offers a service to UK expatriates and UK residents to invest in property for both capital growth and rental yield. We have gained experience in the north-east and north-west of England in Newcastle, Sunderland, Hull and Manchester finding mortgages for high-yielding and growth properties (see the UK Property Investment Finder Service above), and now we have broadened our outlook to eastern Europe, and specifically, currently, Prague. We are in the process of exploring opportunties in Budapest, Bratislava & Warsaw. We guide you through every step of the way with experts with local knowledge, so have a look round an .